From the very beginning of our company, we have entirely dedícated to the maintenance and conservation of public and private gardens. Our main task is to take care and protect the quality of life of the vegetal species integrated into each garden. This is why our experience indicates to us that there are some crucial factors in their development such as the weather, the watering, the illnesses and plagues that can’t be forgotten. Nutrition is basic to face the negative elements with a guarantee to succeed.
In MON VERD we follow-up on a yearly basis vegetal health, developing new lines of protection using ecological products. We have specialized in new application techniques such as endotherapy and injection treatments, obtaining great results in many kind of species.
Our new conservation activities include, grass harvest, hedge harvest, grubbing, fertile, treatments, general cleaning, etc…
In MON VERD we follow-up on a yearly basis vegetal health, developing new lines of protection using ecological products. We have specialized in new application techniques such as endotherapy and injection treatments, obtaining great results in many kind of species.
Our new conservation activities include, grass harvest, hedge harvest, grubbing, fertile, treatments, general cleaning, etc…